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أمثال بالعربية و ترجمتها بالانجليزية ~ Arabic Proverbs

Arabic Proverbs

 أرسل حكيما ولا توصه
°  literal Translation:
Send a wise man and don't advise him
°  English Equivalent or/and Meaning:
He should know what to do
 اعمل الطيب وارمه في البحر
°  literal Translation:
Do good things and throw them in the sea
°  English Equivalent or/and Meaning:
Don't expect rewards for good deeds
 أعط الخبز لخبازه ولو أكل نصفه
°  literal Translation:
Give the dough to the baker even if he ate half of it
°  English Equivalent or/and Meaning:
Give the job to a person who knows how to perform it perfectly even though it will cost you
 الجوع كافر
°  literal Translation:
Hunger is an infidel
°  English Equivalent or/and Meaning:
A hungry man is an angry man
 الجار قبل الدار
°  literal Translation:
The neighbor comes before the home
°  English Equivalent or/and Meaning:
Choose your neighbors before you choose your home
 الصديق وقت الضيق
°  literal Translation:
The friend in tight times
°  English Equivalent or/and Meaning:
Meaning: A friend is the one that lends a hand during the time of need
°  English equivalent: A friend is need is a friend indeed

 اختلط حابلهم بنابلهم
°  literal Translation:
The rope man got mixed with the archer
°  English Equivalent or/and Meaning:
Things got chaotic.
 أدنى من حبل الوريد
°  literal Translation:
Closer than the carotid artery
°  English Equivalent or/and Meaning:
As close to a person as is humanly possible
 إذا سلمت من الأسد فلا تطمع في صيده
°  literal Translation:
If you were saved from the lion, do not be greedy and hunt it
°  English Equivalent or/and Meaning:
Don't press your luck
 إذا رأيت نيوب الليث بارزة فلا تظنن أن الليث يبتسم
°  literal Translation:
If you saw the fangs of lion, don't think the lion is smiling
°  English Equivalent or/and Meaning:
That was from a famous poem by Almotanabbi
 إذا عرف السبب بطل العجب
°  literal Translation:
When the reason is known, there will be no more shock
°  English Equivalent or/and Meaning:
Said when you are wondering why something happened
 إذا كنت تدري قتلك مصيبة وإن كنت لا تدري فالمصيبة أعظم
°  literal Translation:
If you know then it's a disaster, and if you don't know the it's a greater disaster
°  English Equivalent or/and Meaning:
If a leader knows or doesn't know about the corruption in his group

Arabic Proverbs

 اطلبوا العلم من المهد إلى اللحد
°  literal Translation:
Seek Knowledge from the cradle to the grave
°  English Equivalent or/and Meaning:
Seek knowledge from the day you were born till the day you will die
 اجلس حيث يؤخذ بيدك وتبر ولا تجلس حيث يؤخذ برجلك وتجر
°  literal Translation:
Sit where your hand is taken and good is done for you and don't sit where you are dragged from your leg
°  English Equivalent or/and Meaning:
Sit where you are welcomed and helped and don't sit where you are not welcomed
 احذر عدوك مرة وصديقك ألف مرة فإن انقلب صديقك فهو أعلم بالمضرة
°  literal Translation:
Be careful of your enemy once and of your friend a thousand times, for a double crossing friend knows more evil
°  English Equivalent or/and Meaning:
Your friend knows more about what may harm you
 احفظ قرشك الأبيض ليومك الأسود
°  literal Translation:
Save your white penny for your black day
°  English Equivalent or/and Meaning:
A penny Saved is a penny earned

 طفح الكيل
°  literal Translation:
The gauge has over flown
°  English Equivalent or/and Meaning:
To run out of patience
 لا يلدغ  المؤمن من جحره مرتين
°  literal Translation:
Dawn does not come twice to awaken a man
°  English Equivalent or/and Meaning:
A fox is not taken twice in the same snare
 هذا الشبل من ذاك الأسد
°  literal Translation:
This cub is from that lion
°  English Equivalent or/and Meaning:
A chip of the old block
 يد واحدة لا تصفق
°  literal Translation:
One hand cannot clap
°  English Equivalent or/and Meaning:
cooperation is necessary
 يدخل شعبان في رمضان
°  literal Translation:
He mixes Ramadan with Sha'ban (2 months of the Hejrah Calendar)
°  English Equivalent or/and Meaning:
He confuses the issue
 يعمل من الحبة قبة
°  literal Translation:
He makes a dome out of a grain
°  English Equivalent or/and Meaning:
He worries about a small problem as if it is a big one

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